
Prefectural Governor Heita Kawakatsu, Fukuroi City Mayor Hideyuki Harada attend the launch ceremony

TAJIMA MOTOR Corporation joins ‘SHIZUOKA Autonomous Driving show CASE Project’ and ‘ECOPA Dream Project Council’

TAJIMA MOTOR Corporation represented by Chairman and President / CEO Nobuhiro Tajima will be joining the projects ‘SHIZUOKA Autonomous Driving show CASE Project’ and ‘ECOPA Dream Project Council’.

The launch was held at Shizuoka Prefectural Office on Monday, May 28. Both projects involve industry-academia-government cooperation to conduct demonstration of advanced technologies and create opportunities to make actual experience of it available. TAJIMA MOTOR Corporation will take part and drive the project with its rich experience in the field of electric vehicle and UAV.

SHIZUOKA Autonomous Driving show CASE Project
ECOPA Dream Project Council

Using three-dimensional coordinate data provided by Shizuoka Prefectural Government, we construct a super accurate 3D map for electric vehicle use. We aim to conduct proof-of-concept tests of autonomous driving technology based on the surrounding areas of ECOPA (Ogasayama Park) in Fukuroi City including public roads. With ECOPA Dream Project, we will utilize the same field to conduct UAV and multi media experiments.

Participating Organizations

  • Shizuoka Prefectural Government
  • Fukuroi City Government
  • Nagoya University
  • Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology
  • Dynamic Map Platform Co., Ltd.
  • TAJIMA MOTOR Corporation Co., Ltd.