






法人名 湯坪ソーラーパワー株式会社
発電所所在地 茨城県鉾田郡湯坪石崎台
発電能力 1,999 kW
面積 約56,000平方メートル

The Creation, Storage and Utilization of Renewable & Sustainable Energy

The Yutsubo Solar Power Company is part of Tajima Motor Corporation Group and it is partnered with Tajima Motor Corporation’s Next Generation Mobility Division.

Together, one creates environmentally friendly clean and sustainable energy and the other uses that energy to power next generation mobility vehicles. It is important and advantageous to developing new technologies by having an in-house solar photovoltaic farm within the company as it facilitates the need to conduct experiments in real-world conditions and assess proof-of-concept.

In respect to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) spirit, Tajima Motor Corporation aspires to create solutions for a cleaner earth environment into the future. Corporate Name: Yutsubo Solar Power Co., Ltd.

Plant Location: Yutsubo Ishizakidai, Hokota-gun, Ibaraki Prefecture Solar PV Capacity: 1,999 kW Plant Area: 56,000 sq.m